Company Description
At Chef we believe that AI’s biggest impact will be on the physical world, representing 90% of Global GDP. In the food industry, for example, in 2023 there were 1,137,000 jobs unfilled in food preparation and service (Bureau for Labor Statistics). These growing labor shortages are forcing food companies to leave millions of dollars on the table every year in unmet demand. As this pain becomes more acute, food companies are more aggressively seeking out alternatives, including off-shoring more and more parts of the food supply chain to other countries where there is more labor available; this of course comes with its own significant risks for the US. Chef Robotics offers a new way for food companies to overcome their labor shortage and increase production volume using AI-enabled robots that mimic the flexibility of humans. Chef allows companies to maximize revenue by meeting demand, while keeping the American food supply chain onshore. Chef's mission is to accelerate the advent of intelligent machines in the world to empower humans to do what humans do best.