25 Interesting Remote Work and Work From Home Quotes

Since the boom of remote work and working from home, there have been plenty of views shared online and in the media. 

Many of these remote work quotes and views come from business owners, founders and CEOs, economists, HR leaders, and well-known public figures. 

And among those collections, you’ll find both positive and negative views around the virtual ways of working. 

But my goal here in this article is to share motivational and insightful work from home quotes. Some of these came from articles, books, social media, podcasts, and more. Let’s dive in!

Interesting Remote and Work From Home Quotes

Whether you want to build a remote business or are interested in working from home, consider these quotes as inspiration on how you think about work today. 

1.  "If you're running a centralized company and then you try to attach remote work as an appendage, that usually doesn't work. But if you design a company to function under the assumption that people won't be in the same office, then remote work is perfectly doable." - Goncalo Silva, the CTO of Doist

2. "One of the secret benefits of using remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone's performance." - Jason Fried, Co-founder at Basecamp

3. “Successfully working from home is a skill, just like programming, designing or writing. It takes time and commitment to develop that skill, and the traditional office culture doesn’t give us any reason to do that.” – Alex Turnbull, Founder & CEO at Groove

4. “People are more productive working at home than people would have expected. Some people thought that everything was just going to fall apart, and it hasn’t” – Mark Zuckerberg, Co-founder and CEO at Meta (Facebook)

5. “You can thrive and excel when you’re working remotely, if you adopt the mindset, habits and tech tools of professionals who are even more productive outside the office: Learn to think like a “business of one,” and that entrepreneurial mindset will transform your experience of remote work.” - Robert C. Pozen, Author, senior lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management

6. "Lean into the inherent flexibility of the remote format. Instead of monitoring team members obsessively, encourage their autonomy. They will gain confidence, agency, and efficiency. The result is a more productive team." - Tsedal Neeley, Harvard Business School professor and author

7. “Do you want to access talent everywhere, or just in specific markets? If the answer is everywhere, you need to be at least open to the possibility of remote work — it opens doors to attracting and retaining talent around the world, literally and figuratively.” – Katie Burke, Chief People Officer at HubSpot

8. “We like to give people the freedom to work where they want, safe in the knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to perform excellently, whether at their desk or in their kitchen. [I’ve] never worked out of an office, and never will.”-  Sir Richard Branson, Chairman and Founder, Virgin

9. "To start building your remote culture, establish and share some basic rules. The first and most important rule is mutual trust between the company and its workers. The rules after that? As few as possible." - Larry English, author of Office Optional

10. “The future we envision for work allows for infinite virtual workspaces that will unlock social and economic opportunities for people regardless of barriers like physical location. It will take time to get there, and we continue to build toward this” – Andrew Bosworth, CTO at Meta

11. "The only thing that matters is the output of your team. By releasing control over when and where someone works and only focusing on the results, you will create space for your team to get creative, find new ways of doing things quicker, and build a stronger culture." - Mitko Karshovski, Founder at Remote Insider

12. “People today really value workplace flexibility and remote work because it allows them to focus their energies on work and life as opposed to commuting”  –  Dr. Ken Matos, Global Senior Director of Customer People Science at Culture Amp

13. "When people are free to choose where in the world they want to work, they simply enjoy their day-to-day work more." - Brian De Haff, CEO of Aha!

14. “Part of the beauty of remote work is being able to work on a schedule that works best for you, but if you’re online and working at all hours, you’ll start burning out quickly. We’ll need to build clear rules around how technology can be used to help us maintain those boundaries for work-life balance.” – Ryan Bonnici, CMO at Gympass

15.  “In terms of engaging and influencing your team, especially in a virtual environment, how you say something, or your vocal quality, can sometimes be more important than what you say.” -  Hassan Osman, SVP of Professional Services, author Influencing Virtual Teams

16. "Remote work is about the flexibility to build a lifestyle that allows you to plan your work around your ideal life, not the other way around." - Mandy Fransz, Co-creator & Chief Community Officer at Remote Workers Worldwide

17. “Remote work isn't a privilege or a special accommodation. It's a way of working, and that's a strong statement for some people. It shouldn't be a question of rewarding top performers with the ability to work remotely.” - Nicki Bellington, Chief HRBP at National Instruments

18. "Remote workers aren't trying to escape doing work. We're trying to escape the Day Prison. We want to use technology to make better use of our time. We want to spend more time on things that matter to us and less time stuck in traffic." - Lisette Sutherland, author of Work Together Anywhere

19. "Remote managers need to consider things like imposter syndrome, communicating intentionally with their remote teams, finding ways to talk about productivity, and communicating in writing rather than face-to-face chats." — Becca Van Nederynen, Head of People at Asimov

20. "If you're not constrained by the traditional office work approach, you can benefit by going remote. There are cost savings, and then, of course, a huge sense of freedom when working remotely. A lot of startups and bigger companies have made the same mistake thinking everyone has to work from an office from morning until night. I hate that mentality. I don't think it's healthy. Having a constant state of freedom – it's fantastic. People work, but on their terms." - Erik Allebest, CEO of Chess.com

21. "Many companies hiring for remote positions prefer candidates with previous remote work experience, but that shrinks the talent pool and eliminates people who have previously been excluded by the digital economy (e.g., people returning to the workforce.)" — Tammy Bjelland, Flexible Work Specialist at NetApp, Founder at Workplaceless

22. “There is nothing more important in a group remote project than casual conversation. Not just emails and work updates, but the ability to sit back and chat.” - David Rabin, MD PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Co-Inventor, & Co-Founder of Apollo Neuroscience

23. "Think about this way: if you can create a three-hour chunk of non-distracted work time in your house, you will be more productive than the average office worker." - Sharon Koifman, Founder and President at DistantJob, and author of Surviving Remote Work

24. "I'd like to imagine a world where everyone has the freedom to work from anywhere, without the constraints of time and location. A world where we can pursue our dreams and ambitions while also enjoying fulfilling personal lives." - Job van der Voort, Co-founder and CEO at Remote

25. “That’s the great irony of letting passionate people work from home. A manager’s natural instinct is to worry about his workers not getting enough work done, but the real threat is that too much will likely get done.” – Jason Fried, Co-founder at Basecamp

Final Thoughts

The above work from home and remote work quotes are meant to make you think about how you work or even want to run a business.

Use these as inspiration, motivation, or share these and your thoughts with others. Remember, not everyone will love the idea of remote work or working from home. But some of these quotes could help educate and make others think more about the future of work. 

If you are looking for more interesting topics around working from home, here’s a few you might want to dive into next: 

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