Do You Want To Tell Us Anything Else About You? (Answer Examples)

“Do you want to tell us anything else about you?”

During your job interview, whether in-person or virtual, you will most likely be asked that question or some variation of it.

But how do you respond so you are confident in your answer and ensure you don’t create any awkward moments? Don’t worry, it’s easier to answer than you might think!

Below you’ll find a few examples to help you answer this question as well as mistakes to avoid to ensure you stand out among other applicants. Let’s jump right in!

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

So why is this a common question from employers? Mostly it is to give you the proper chance to cover everything you feel is important and show you are a great fit for the job.

interview questions

I’ve also asked this question in the past during some interviews when I was hiring too. The main reason I would ask this is to give the person an opportunity to clear anything up, further elaborate, or share something that was missed.

During job interviews, it is easy to get nervous, forget things, or even say things that are a bit confusing.

I can’t tell you the number of words I bumbled that probably confused the hiring manager before! It happens and most interviewers will give you grace.

So getting to clarify or come back to that moment later on, provides a great second chance.

Example Answers to “Do You Want to Tell Us Anything Else About You?”

When the interviewer asks you, “Do you want to tell us anything else about you” there are a few ways you can respond to the question. Which is right for you, will depend on the situation during your job interview

Whether you use the examples below or not, keep these things in mind:

  • Be prepared for different interview scenarios.
  • Stay on track with the topic you are discussing.
  • Keep your answer short and to the point.

Below are a few examples pending how the interview has gone and specific situations. You don’t have to use these word for word, but they can be a guide to help you crush your responses!

Example Answer 1

The interview is going well, but you wanted to touch on something that you did not get to cover earlier. When the interviewer asks if there is anything else you want to share, this is a perfect time. Here is a simple example:

“Yes, I do! While we talked about a few key areas of my background, I believe we missed this one aspect that I wanted to highlight. I’ve also been involved in [XYZ] for a few years, which provided me with additional skills that would help me succeed in this role. I feel this is something that has helped me grow professionally but would add value to [CompanyName].”

Example Answer 2

Maybe during the interview, you did share a key project, skill, or learning but you didn’t get to dive too deep. And if you think this is important to clarify or expand on further, then this is a great time to do so.

“Actually, yes! I know we chatted briefly about [Insert Previous Talking Point] a bit, but I wanted to explain a bit more about that and how it benefits [CompanyName]. This is one experience I value a lot and I was able to accomplish [XYZ] while learning about [ABC]. It’s something I feel comfortable doing and being involved within this role.”

Example Answer 3

During the interview, you may have already covered plenty about your skills and experiences. But this also could be a great time to dive into some interests or hobbies that could tie into your effectiveness in this job role.

“Thanks for the question! We’ve covered some solid questions about my experience and skills in the [XYZ] field. Besides those skills, I’ve also taken interest in [ABC]. In fact, I’ve been involved with [ABC] for a few years and I think it has helped me grow as an individual and professional.”

Tip: If you have a side hustle project, this is where I sometimes have brought this up in past job interviews. It shows I can build something on my own, can work autonomously, and have developed additional skills that can help me stand out among other candidates. 

Example Answer 4

If you are a recent graduate interviewing for your first job, your answer will probably need to be a bit different from the other examples. Since you may not have much job field experience yet, this can be a great time to highlight how you’re developing professionally.

“As a recent graduate of [SchoolName], I’m eager to begin my full-time journey in my career and contribute to the company’s success. Beyond my experiences in class and my internship(s), I’ve been working towards continuing my education and skills further. For example, I’m doing [X] and [Y] on my own time to fuel my growth in [Z] field.”

Example Answer 5

If you don’t have anything to elaborate on, use this time to thank the interviewer and ask about the next steps in the process. This ensures you don’t babble on if you have nothing to add, but is more valuable than saying “nothing.”

“Thank you for asking! I believe we have covered the important topics related to this role and I feel my background aligns well to what you are looking for in this position. It’s been great diving into this opportunity further and [CompanyName] sounds like fit for me. What are the next steps from here in the process?”

What About on Job Applications?

As you are applying for a remote job or in-office job, you may find that the question “Do you want to tell us anything else about you?” is on the application.

Typically, this field will be optional, meaning you can leave it blank if you have nothing to add.

So if you feel that the combination of your resume and the cover letter explains who you are and your skills well, then you leave it empty. Don’t worry, the interviewer won’t hold that against you!

But if you do have unique skills, experience, or something relevant that would help you stand out, then definitely add that to the field.

The competition can be fierce for a single job.

According to data, the average number of people who apply for a single job is around 118 and typically only 20% of them get invited to an interview.

What Should You Avoid Saying in Your Answer?

Now that you have some tips and examples to consider when asked if there is anything else to share about yourself, what should you avoid doing?

It’s pretty simple overall and some of these might even seem obvious, but you’d be surprised at the direction interviewees go sometimes. I chalk it up to nerves more than anything. But let’s dive in!

Any weaknesses you have

Although you might have been asked this question during the interview, this is not the time to further dive in or elaborate. You certainly can mention an area you are working on to improve, but use this time to shine a light on what you know.

Getting too personal

There is nothing wrong with sharing a bit about you personally with the interviewer. I’ve hired a few people and it’s also nice to get to know about their outside interests or experiences beyond work.

But, you should be careful about how much personal information you are sharing. For instance, avoid things like politics, getting deeper into your relationship status or family issues, etc.

Answering with filler information

Maybe you already shared quite a bit about yourself already throughout the interview.

And if so, repeating or trying to respond to this question without anything of substance to add can do more harm than good.

Sharing irrelevant information or saying random things just to have an answer can make for an awkward moment for both of you. Instead, you can politely state you don’t have anything else to share and you feel you covered yourself well.

And you can even use this opportunity to ask the interviewer a question about the company, work culture, or basic next steps in the hiring process.

Final Thoughts

If the interviewer asks if you want to tell them anything else about you, ensure you are prepared ahead.

This question can be a great time for you to clarify a point from earlier, share something important that you forgot, cover why the job role interests you, or even politely share that you covered it all.

And remember, each interview may present a different situation on how to answer this question, so practicing for different scenarios ensures you don’t stumble.

Other example answers for interview questions:

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