E.ON Czech Republic provides professional service and consulting services to all other E.ON Group companies in the Czech Republic. Via thousand of our specialists and administrative staff take care of the products E.ON, its customers and company-wide communications for more than 20 years. They provide support for in the areas of HR, IT, finance, legal, administration or communications.
We are looking for experts in the position of "Data Scientist / Mathematical Modeling" to join the Energy Markets Hub team at E.ON Energy Markets, formally under E.ON Czech Republic. Our team of experts focuses on mathematical modeling, energy-economic issues, and data science. Our main role is to understand and manage market risks for retail sales. We use modern technologies to enhance our work and continuously improve and bring new solutions. Our goal is sustainable energy and supporting business decisions using modern statistical methods. We offer this position as a full-time or part-time job opportunity, and we welcome everyone to apply regardless of their background.
Our tech stack:
You don't have to be Superman but there are a few qualities / knowledge we need from you ...
Place of work: Prague.
Flexible working hours.
Please apply with your CV in English.
Requisition ID: 232310
Work Model: Remote/Home Office
Preferred start date: 1.1.2024
Contact: Are you interested in this job position and are you wondering where to send your CV?
Just click on the blue box Login and create an online application in our database.
We will contact you as soon as possible!
If you have any questions, you can contact: David Kapin
E.ON is committed to equal opportunities and actively promotes diversity, equality and flexibility.
E.ON is a privately-owned international energy company. Our 75,000 colleagues in 15 countries work daily towards the improvement of technical innovations and user-friendly customer solutions for the new energy world. We are the first large energy company to focus more heavily upon the energy of the future through our three business areas of energy networks, renewable energies and customer solutions.