Company Description
Docugami is Generative AI for business documents.

Our patented AI is designed and trained exclusively for business scenarios, to automatically unlock the critical information in your company's documents and use that information to generate reports, insights, new documents, and data streams to power your business processes.

Docugami provides a family of Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on millions of Business Documents, ranging from 2.7B to 20B parameters.

Docugami is designed to provide immediate value to front-line business users and managers, without costly investments in IT projects or training. Docugami turns your unique business documents into data; all content generated is derived exclusively from your own business documents -- not random content on the Internet -- minimizing any potential for erroneous or inappropriate content generation.

Each customer's data, feedback, and generated content are completely separate and secure.

Docugami is cross-segment and in the market today in a variety of vertical industry segments, including Commercial Insurance, Commercial Real Estate, Technology, a wide range of Professional Services sectors, and more.

Hiring Machine Learning PhD/MS Students & Brilliant Developers.

Contact Jean Paoli at