Welcome to ComplexChaos
At ComplexChaos, we're on a mission to build the future of AI-mediated cooperation. We're a dynamic team of innovators, backed by some of the most influential names in technology and venture capital. Join us in shaping a world where technology enhances human collaboration and wellbeing.
Why Join Us?
- Work on cutting-edge AI technology and make a tangible impact on the industry.
- Be part of a pre-seed company with strong backing from notable funds like Village Global, Niremia Collective, Dnipro, Newtopia, and Future Fund.
- Collaborate with a diverse and talented team, including industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
- Thrive in an inclusive environment that values your unique perspectives and growth.
Our Investors
- Village Global: Chaired by Reid Hoffman with visionaries like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
- Niremia Collective: Focused on human flourishing and wellbeing.
- Dnipro: Specializing in AI and supporting Ukrainian founders.
- Newtopia: Investing in Latino founders and fostering diversity.
- Future Fund: Comprised of senior AI executives from leading European tech companies.
Our Angels and Advisors
- Zac Bookman, CEO of OpenGov.
- Nick Bilogorskiy, former Director of Security at Google.
- Mariano Battan, founder of Mural.
- Anton Borzov, founder of WhatsApp.
- Idan Levin, Chief Architect of Microsoft GenAI Security.
- Martin Rand, founder of Pactum AI.
- Diego Saez-Gil, founder of Pachama.
- Boruch Greenberg, founder of Payrix.
- Remi Essaid, founder of Finmark, SVP of Product at Bill.com.
- Julien Denaes, founder of Alpin, Director of Partnerships at Bill.com.
- Matt Doka, founder of Fivestars.
- Diego Meller, founder of Jampp.
- Daniel Heise, founder of Scup (acquired by Sprinklr).
- Niall Wall, ex CPO at Benchling, ex-SVP at Box, Workday, Symantec.
- Marcus Gosling, co-founder of Long Term Stock Exchange.
- Ravi Spicereddy, founder of E8 Security (acquired by VMware).
- Kwiri Yang, founder of Second Time Founders.
- Chris Ategeka, founder of Unintended Consequences of Technology.
Join Our Team
We're looking for passionate individuals who are eager to contribute to a team that values innovation, diversity, and forward-thinking. If you're ready to take on the challenge of advancing AI-mediated cooperation, we'd love to hear from you. Explore our open positions and find your place at ComplexChaos.