Company Description
Adoc Talent Management is the first recruitment consulting firm specialized in the recruitment and career development of PhDs. Adoc Talent Management offers its partners an innovative approach based on 3 areas of activities: Recruitment, Training, and Innovation & Studies.

Our Recruitment department assists our clients in finding, evaluating and guiding the best talents for their teams.

Moreover, Adoc Talent Management offers training for PhD students, PhDs and research staff on various themes related to career development. Some of our trainings can also be adapted to supervisors and thesis directors. Adoc Talent Management also works with its partners in the training of their employees, offering training courses dedicated to businesses.

Our Innovation & Studies department mainly develops three types of projects: Studies (qualitative and quantitative) aimed at measuring the employability of PhDs, identifying the determining factors of their career development or promoting their added value in all sectors of activity and this whatever their field of research, the development of digital tools exploiting the most recent advances in analysis and processing of HR data and tailor-made services including both aspects (salary positioning study, mapping of concepts and skills within a field, etc.).